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personal solar loan benefit

Get a personal loan from RMB Private Bank to finance your solar installation and enjoy lower interest rates.

Ensuring you keep the lights on

In our ongoing commitment to enhance your lifestyle, we're offering you a discounted solar loan of up to R300 000. With the Personal Solar Loan Benefit, you can enjoy a reduced interest rate, as low as prime +1%, along with the flexibility of a repayment plan up to 66 months.

How it works

Get a quote

Get a quote or invoice from your preferred installer. Quote must include solar installation/solar power generation and not only for batteries and inverters.


Apply for a personal loan from RMB Private Bank of up to R300 000. Ensure loan amount matches quote or invoice.


If approved, your personal loan will be paid into your bank account. Your agreement will be at standard personal loan pricing.

Getting started

In order to enjoy a lower interest rate, you need to do the following:
  • Visit the RMB Private Bank App, search nav» Energy, select 'Finance solutions', tap 'Personal loan solutions' then 'Personal loan with solar benefit'
  • Approve the Solar Energy Benefit Terms and Conditions
  • Upload the required documents*: Original invoice or quote from accredited solar supplier/installer and proof of deposit to supplier (at least 25%)
*Documents to be validated prior to interest rate being lowered.
>View document checks

applying made easy

personal solar loan benefit




  1. Be permanently employed or self-employed
  2. Be a permanent SA resident
  3. Your salary must be directly paid into your bank account

Document checks

  • Invoice must show solar panels, number of panels and wattage
  • All other costs must be related to the solar installation
  • Original invoice from accredited supplier/installer
  • Supplier must be associated with solar/energy/power
  • Loan amount must not be more than 10% higher than invoice amount. Loan amount can be lower
  • Proof of deposit must be at least 25% of the value of the invoice/quote
  • Proof of deposit account number must match account number on invoice/quote
  • Name of loan applicant must match name on invoice